In questa mattina con il cielo di scintille blu
Ho smesso di tessere sogni
tante sterili ansie scorrono nelle vene
e tutto intorno è riprodotto al contrario
come in uno specchio del Purgatorio;
l'evoluzione si riflette nei cumuli di pula,
il pianeta lacero sanguina in stimmi,
gli ospedali emarginati distruggono la salute,
i tribunali schiacciano la giustizia,
le università bruciano la conoscenza,
i governi annientano la libertà,
i media cancellano la verità,
la religione neutralizza la spiritualità.
Siamo presi in un giro di cospirazioni,
una gabbia di diabolica cassa
privo di luce, salute e gioia,
solo la coscienza non ci inganna
e non ci lusinga.
Lasciamo la natura divina della coscienza
per riversarsi su di noi, sulle nostre anime, sulle ere,
sui dogmi, sugli obiettivi, sulla verità.
© ️ Corina Junghiatu
Traduzione in italiano

Lidia Popa
En esta mañana con el cielo de chispas azules
Dejé de tejer sueños
Tantas ansiedades estériles corren por las venas
y todo a su alrededor se reproduce al revés
como en un espejo del Purgatorio;
la evolución se refleja en los montones de paja,
el planeta desgarrado sangra en estigmas,
los hospitales marginados destruyen la salud,
los tribunales aplastan la justicia,
las universidades queman conocimientos,
los gobiernos aniquilan la libertad,
los medios borran la verdad,
la religión neutraliza la espiritualidad.
Estamos atrapados en una ronda de conspiración
una jaula de cofre diabólico
desprovisto de luz, salud y alegría,
solo la conciencia no nos engaña
y no nos halaga.
Dejamos la naturaleza divina de la conciencia
derramarnos sobre nosotros, sobre nuestras almas, sobre los siglos,
sobre dogmas, sobre objetivos, sobre verdad.
© ️ Corina Junghiatu
Traducción en español © ️Lidia Popa
Lidia Popa was born in Romania in the municipality of Piatra Șoimului, in the county of Neamț, on April 16, 1964. She finished her studies in Piatra Neamț with a baccalaureate and other administrative courses, where she worked until she decided to emigrate to Italy.
She lived for 21 years and works in Rome as part of the wave of intellectual emigrants since the fall of the Berlin Wall. He is a poet, essayist, storyteller, recognized in Italy and in other countries for his literary activities. Collaborates with Romanian and Italian cultural associations, literary magazine's and websites.
She writes in Romanian and Italian, has published his poems in three books in Italy "Punto differente (essere)" - ed. Italian and "Nell'antro dei miei pensieri (Dacia)" - ed. bilingual Aletti Editore 2016, "Anfora di cielo" - ed. bilingual Edizioni Divinafollia 2017 and in 35 literary anthologies since 2014 in Italy, Romania, Spain, Canada.
Her poems are translated into Italian, French, English, Spanish, Arabic, German which are published regularly with some magazines in Romania, Italy and abroad. She is a promoter of Romanian, Italian and international literature and a part of the competition juries.
It translates from classical or contemporary authors who strike for the refinement of their verses in the languages: Italian, Romanian, English, Spanish, French, German, stating that it is only a writing exercise to learn and evolve as a person with love for humanity.
Author Corina Junghiatu is an Administrator for Motivational Strips and based in our Romania Office. She also handles the role of Publication Coordinator with our web magazine ‘Bharath Vision’.
Author Corina has been writing poetry since the age of 12 years. She was born in Bucharest, Romania. Corina has solo written, and published two books of poetry: “Exile in the light” and “The ritual of a Sunrise” and her third book waiting for release is “Spiritual Hues”. She is a journalist, writer, literary critic, book reviewer, editor, public speaker, co-organizer and moderator of international poetry festivals, literary and cultural events in Romania and Eastern Europe countries. She is also coordinates for regional anthologies in the region.
Her poems have appeared in many national and international journals, anthologies, magazine and newspapers. She regularly writes for Motivational Strips and few other forums of repute. Her interactions with the global fraternity of writers and her in-depth poems, has led to her winning several poetry awards from prestigious organisations in Italy, Belgium, U.S.A, Mexic, South Africa, India, Tunisia, Morocco, Serbia, Montenegro, Egypt, Syria and Romania. She studied English and Italian Literature from the University of Bucharest.
Corina Junghiatu is additionally the Director of the “The Literary Voice Magazine” and Director of “World Poets Association” ( Romania), Administrator of literary forum “World Literature Academy”, and also evaluates books as editor for “Liric Graph” publishing house. She is a Platinum Star category member in Motivational Strips and Chief Advisor of World Nations Writers’ Union Kazakhstan in Romanian Literature.
Corina’s writes poem in her own unique, versatile, style and diction. She loves nature, humanity, spiritualism, reading, travelling and shows promising interest in Art, Painting, Philosophy, Theology, Psychology. But irrespective of all this, Poetry remains the essence of her existence.
Anthologies that Corina has participated:
Our Poetry Arhive – India 2019
Atunis Galaxy – Belgium 2019
Muzica Sufletului Meu – Romania 2019
Bozanstvena Zeno – Serbia 2019 (Mesopotamia Cultural Center).
Jehones Shqiptare – Albania 2019
Silent Lips Beating Hearts – India 2019
Feel My Soul – India 2019
World Literature Academy – Montenegro 2020
Crossroads – 2020 (Amazon Best Seller Rank 1)
Literary Magazines Which Includes Corina’s Literary works:
Daily Observer; Poem Hunter; The Literary Mirror; Parnas XXI; Confluențe literare; Armonii Culturale; Poetry Soup; All Poetry; Logos și Agape; Our Poetry Arhive; The Jasmin Collors; Atunis Poetry; Woman Words Literary Press; 3 Agelmasr, Asrar 7 days and others.
Her Awards:
World Award of Literary Excellence 2019 – 2020, from the Government of Republic of Peru in joint association with, Union Hispanomundial De Escritores, Motivational Strips and World Nations Writers Union.
Trophy of the festival “Ismail Qemaili, Shoqata Kulturore Artistik JEHONA SHQIPTARE” 2019 – Tirana, Albania.
Certificate of Excellence – The International Cultural Forum for Humanity and Creativity Morocco.
Italia – Quarta edizione del premio “La voce dei poeti” – Third place ( III).
Romania – The European Poetry Championship – Second place (II).
Platinum Star category member in Motivational Strips.
Radio: Unamos al Mundo con la Poesia – Mexic.
Co-organizer of European Championship of poetry 2019 and 2020 and others cultural events.
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