Taylor Swift DJ'd at Sir Paul McCartney's party

The 34-year-old pop superstar jumped behind the decks at the Beatles legend's house party and was entertaining the biggest stars on the planet

Elvis' star Austin Butler, 32, has revealed the 34-year-old pop superstar jumped behind the decks at the Beatles legend's house party and was entertaining the biggest stars on the planet, including the host and his former bandmate Sir Ringo Starr, the Rolling Stones, Bruce Springsteen and Meryl Streep.

Appearing on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live!' this week, Austin told Kimmel, who was also at the "insane" bash: "To see Paul and Ringo [Starr] in the same room was kind of amazing".

Before spilling that Taylor "was DJing at one point".

He laughed: "She DJs at parties now".

The Bikeriders' star also recalled Springsteen, aka The Boss, telling him about sneaking into late King of Rock and Roll Elvis' Graceland home to try and meet the 'Hound Dog' hitmaker, who died in 1977 aged 42 of a heart attack, and give him a song he'd penned for him.

He recalled: "I had heard this mythical story, but I heard it from him of being a huge Elvis fan and hopping the gates at Graceland to try to get up there. And he knocked on the door and wanted to give Elvis a song".

Meanwhile, Sharon Stone has been looking out for Austin after relating to his "journey and destiny".

The 66-year-old star feels protective over the actor and the pair share a "special connection" as she saw a lot of her own early rise to fame in the way he became a sensation after 2022 biopic 'Elvis'.

Austin told Entertainment Tonight: "We have a really special connection, because when 'Elvis' premiered in Cannes, she was sitting right in front of me".

Sharon added: "I was at the Elvis premiere and, I have to say, I've been in a lot of premieres, I've been a lot of premieres in Cannes, and this is the only time I saw what happened to me happen to someone else".

"It was so incredible to witness this happen to another person, and I just wanted to make sure that he had someone that he knew he could count on no matter what, because it's not easy to hold onto the rocket".

She has a lot of faith in him as a performer and a person, and wants to "make sure" he's got the right support.

She continued: "I really do, I love that kid, and I really believe in him. I know what his journey and destiny looks like and I want to make sure he's cool".

Ever since their first meeting at Cannes Film Festival two years ago, the 'Total Recall' star has kept in touch to make sure Austin is ready for the trappings of success and fame.

She explained: "Well, when this thing happens to you, it's a very specific thing and it's a light that comes on in you and others see it and people appreciate it".

"At the same time, people envy it and they can become very cruel about it and it's a hard thing to walk with grace and and it's really important that you walk it with honesty and sincerity".

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