The Autobiography of a Street - a poem by Shakil Kalam

The Autobiography of a Street
Oh! my primitive soil road, which has no end but becoming longer and larger,
Its cycling scrolled, recorded its happiness and sorrows around the age to age
and civilization to civilization and human beings too.
The soil path has turned into a paved road;
That's why legs don't get calm touches.
Trees and flowers have been planted along the road.
The indefinite path of the infinite is crooked and somewhere it has gone straight away.
Now it having glommed with trees and twinkling in the moon light .
The Interior village has became sub-town.
Your beautiful mind uttering agony and exciting tour in the unstable world.
In a such secluded environment
I am loving you, , you'r my beloved earth and soul.
I know you have no happiness and peace
In the pandemic Covid age; corona virus fall on your body.
The territory is treamblling and its hugging horrible situation by the crying of corona patients' bearing ambulances.
We may want happiness
but we are not in good just now.
We have lost our happines, sorrowness, crying and laughing- eyes tearing has been drying as watering is nulled.
We have try to be good but we can't.
I'm hopeful, the world never lost its genuine fragrances of wreath of flowers.
The global scenarios of the digital age
will return back with its more new and actual outlooks and outfits.
Copyright@Shakil Kalam
Shakil Kalam biography:
Root Finder Writer Shakil Kalam was born on December 3, in Bangladesh. He received Masters Degree in Masters in Governance Studies and Islamic Studies from University of Dhaka. Mostly, he is known as Central Banker, Corporate Governance Specialist as well as Child-Litterateur and writer. He is engaged as Deputy Gerneral Manager in the central bank of Bangladesh named Bangladesh Bank. He attends as a key-note speaker in the seminar, symposium and discussion meeting at Dhaka University and other private universities.
Shakil Kalam started writing from his boyhood. The author has personally tried to discuss various inconsistencies, inequalities, disillusion, hypocrisy and human suffering and the degradation of human moral and social values in his writings. He relentlessly tried to grasp the Liberation War of Bangladesh and it also brought diversity in his writings. He has been writing stories, poems, rhymes, essays, columns. His published book numbers are more than thirty as well as these are best seller. He has traveled India, Pakistan, Bhutan, Dubai, Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia to partcipate in the seminar, symposium and conferences. Currently, he is serving as a convener, researcher and honorary fellow of Social Development Research Foundation.

Visitas: 110


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