Consider this.
That there is a frequency that exists to heal.

I read once and share with you today the following.

There is no taste, no sound, no light and no color Our taste and sound receptors are impulse converters;There is no light and no color outside...
Colors and light are formed in our brains by conversion.
Light energy vibrations of different frequency(i.e., of different wavelengths) are converted by a transducer(the eye) into signals(impulses) that can be received and processed by neurons in the brain of as colors.
Love signal is a healing audio and visual meditation with music, sacred geometry and Solfeggio frequency 528 Hz, the miraculous frequency for transformation and DNA repair. There is a special sound and color of love according to Dr. Horowitz, a Harvard-trained award-winning investigator. Broadcasting the right frequency can help open your heart, prompt peace, and hasten healing. "We now know the love signal, 528 Hertz, is among the six core creative frequencies of the universe because math doesn't lie, the geometry of physical reality universally reflects this music; these findings have been independently derived, peer reviewed, and empirically validated,"

Therefore perception is a gift. Remember how powerful our minds must be
to see, hear, touch, taste or smell. That we receive to enjoy or observe any of these senses in any portion is a gift.
Much less share them with another, "Look".

And so I offer this humble thank you.

Such a beautiful mind we are given
To see colors much less the ability
to select from among the spectrum a favorite.
The inheritance passed on to children by their parents
When they teach us teach us blue or yellow.
Taking the new arrivals on a tour of our world
Along the way giving us the birds names,
the color they wear and song they sing. .

Thank you Divinity for what we share with those who
show us our way in this world
If not perhaps by those we share the physical birth
Then our chosen family of friends and teachers
Helping us to
Anchor the abilities of our minds
to make sense and order.

The ones who never
give up on a single one of us
if one of these precious touchstones
Is unresponsive seemingly not there.
No without a pause we see they
Move on to the next one lovingly.
Truly believing there is nothing wrong with us at all
Instead they continually shift the focus
to what is right.
We are greater than any amount of perceived lack.

And perhaps a shadow passes across our inner landscape
It is only temporary this too shall pass
We will overcome our fears
of the dark
Fear of mortality of loss.
Many times as we grow and gain more access to perception.
They remind us energy is never created nor destroyed
And the spirit is never lost.

Visitas: 77


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Ismael Lorenzo


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El silencio de los 12

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En el 2024 ha sido Miguel Angel Teposteco.


Libros de Ismael Lorenzo


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Súmate a la campana de promoción a la lectura 



'Creatividad Internacional', red de Literatura y Cine, un espacio para exponer creaciones y opiniones a críticos, editores y productores.

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